Quips, Quotes, & Jokes

"A Collection of Christian Clean Jokes, Stories, and Poems for Church Brochures Newsletters, & Websites"

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
(Prov. 17:22)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An Open Letter to God

Dear God,

I'm sorry you made Sunday when you did. You see, it's like this... we could attend church more regularly if your day came at some other time. You have chosen a day that comes at the end of a hard week, and we are all tired out. Not only that, but it is the day following Saturday night.

Saturday evening, you know, is one time we feel we should enjoy ourselves, so we go to the movies or a party, and often it is after midnight when we reach home. It is almost impossible to get up on Sunday morning. You have chosen the very day we want to sleep late, and it makes it mighty hard to get the children off to Sunday School, and especially when they have to leave home so early.

Then there are dishes to wash, and we always have some things we just have to wash out. I mean no disrespect, dear God, but you must realize that you have picked the day on which we have the biggest dinner. Not only that, but the Church has fixed the hour of worship at the very time we must be preparing dinner.

Then too, you must think of John. He is cooped up in his office all week, and Sunday morning is the only time he has to tinker with the car and mow the lawn. When he gets into his old clothes and his hands are all greasy, you could not expect him to put his work aside and go off to church.

I am telling you these things, dear God, because I want you to get our viewpoint. It is not our fault that we are unable to get to church on Sunday mornings. We would like to go, and we know we should go, and need to go. But, it must be clear to you that the reason we cannot go is because you have chosen the wrong day. If you will select another day, we shall be glad to go to church and Sunday school more faithfully.

Sincerely yours,
I.M. Busy

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